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Monday, July 25, 2005


My thoughts.
Too much green, not enough red.
Likes, The inner flower colours, Long Moonlit walks on the beach
Dislikes, The outerflower being so Green, Long queues anywhere.

EDIT: More added
This One looks pretty spunky, not enough colour still.

Possibly to much colour.... Will i ever get this ballance i seek?

Looks like i wont.

Well thats all for flowers, and my ranting.


Well this morning, i did a search of google images for "pirates"
This is the result.
Dont ask me why a flower was there, but hey , u can search pirates and find out for your self!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Strange colours

This is glen fucking with filters and overlays and blendings.
Peace out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

By Popular Demand!!

I feel the image is spoiled by it, but, what ever for the masses,
Also check out Laurie's evil face!

Not getting whgat i want...

Need feedback.
Im not getting what i want out of this image, heres the 3 drafts.
Im leaning towards the first one, being the best, and subsequent tinkering shagging the image.
Althou im a big fan of #3, mainly because of the colour in the sky.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Here is another.
Again no meaning.
Doesnt look as good as "Time"
But i think its swanky none the less.

I Call it time.

Heres something i thru together in about 10 mins..
I love blending options..
Its random images i got from Google images about time.
It has no meaning.
But i think it looks cool.

Ha Ha

Pr0n Guy strikes again!

Heres the original
Thoughtfull Chripy
Heres what i turned the chirp-miester into!

Thanks must go to Jenny's website for providing the beautifull canvas for me to vommit on to.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

He kinda looks like the dude from bottom...

Heres another...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Again with the Pr0n Guy...

This time he reads up on how to impersonate the Dali Lama, on the eve of his birthday.

Theese happy days are yours and mine....

Why does he look so good as a woman...
Currently looking for a Fonzy one...


Monday, July 04, 2005

Cray Pr0n Guy.

I have made a few....

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ive said it before, and ill say it again!!!

Laurie's one fine sexy woman!!!!

Hot DAM!